BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers

BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers

BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers: We provide to all the students BCom 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Business Communication Notes Study material, question answers, sample papers, mock test papers, and pdf. At gurujistudy.com you can easily get all these study materials and notes for free. Here in this post, we are happy to provide you with BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers.

BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers
BCom Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers

BCom Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers

Q.1. Explain the meaning, objectives, and importance of business communication.

or, Define communication. Explain the importance of effective communication in business.



Communication is a process of transmission of messages, news, orders, requests, ideas, etc. The term ‘communication has been derived from the Latin word “Communis’ or ‘Communicator’ which means to make common. Thus, communication is the exchange of facts, ideas, messages, requests, orders, etc. between two or more persons. It has been defined as under:

“Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.” -Newman and Summer.

“Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another whether or not it elicits confidence.”-Koontz and Donell’s

“Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.” -George R. Terry

“Communication is the sum of all the things which a person does what he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening, and understanding.”  -Locus A. Allen

To conclude, Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another. It is the process of imparting ideas so that organizational objectives may be achieved. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)


  1. Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions from one person to another.
  2. Communication is a continuous process and not a specific function.
  3. Communication is a two-way process. It is incomplete without feedback.
  4. Communication is a universal process. It is required at all levels, in all fields, and at all times.
  5. Communication is a managerial function. It is required at all levels right from planning to control.


Objectives or functions of business communication may broadly, be divided into two parts:

(I) Internal Functions, and (II) External Functions.

I. Internal Objective or Functions of Business Communication

  1. To provide information to Management: Business communication is to provide all important facts and information to man business. It helps them in taking appropriate business decisions.
  2. To provide information to Employees: Business communication conveys the feelings, attitudes, orders, and decisions of management to employees. It helps in creating a harmonious business environment.
  3. To Establish Coordination: Communication helps in establishing effective coordination among different departments, activities, and employees It helps in creating mutual faith and trust.
  4. To improve Morale: Communication helps employees in realizing their rights, duties, place, and role. It keeps them informed about business policies and decisions. It helps in increasing efficiency as well.

II External Objectives or Functions of Business Communication

  1. To Maintain Relations with Suppliers: Communication helps in communicating orders, requirements, problems, and complaints to suppliers. It helps in getting goods and services regularly and smoothly.
  2. To Maintain Relations with Customers: Communication helps in maintaining and developing relations with customers. It helps in increasing sales and profit.
  3. The base of Advertisement: Communication is the base of advertising. It helps in developing and increasing the image of products and enterprises.
  4. Report to Owners and Other Parties: Communication provides all relevant information to owners, banks, government authorities, and the economic world. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)

Q.2. State the meaning of communication. What are the basic forms of communication?

or, Explain the meaning and types of communication.

or, Explain the concepts of Non-verbal, verbal, and written communication.



Communication is an exchange of information, facts, opinions, ideas, etc. between two or more persons. It is a process that involves an exchange of business information with a view to achieving organizational objectives.

Forms of Communication: There are three forms of communication: (a) Non-verbal, (b) Verbal, and (c) Written.


Meaning of Non-verbal Communication

The term ‘non-verbal’ means ‘without words’. Thus, non-verbal communication is communication in which no words are used. The person who wants to communicate some messages to another uses his expressions (body language). The other person (receiver) visualizes as to what the first person is trying to communicate. There are two effective ways of non-verbal communication:

(i) Use of some signals such as traffic lights, pictographs, sirens, telephone rings, etc.

(ii) Use of body language such as nodding or shaking the head, gritting the teeth, raising eyebrows, pointing thumb or finger, raising hands, smiling, glaring, clapping, etc. Non-verbal communication is known as gestural communication also.

Functions of Non-verbal Communication

According to Thill and Bovee, non-verbal communication has six functions:

  1. To provide information.
  2. To regulate the flow of conversation.
  3. To express emotions.
  4. To Complement, contradict, or expand verbal messages.
  5. To control or influence others.
  6. To complete verbal message.

Advantages of Non-verbal Communication

  1. Reliability: An important advantage of non-verbal communication is its reliability. It is easy to understand the emotions and feelings of the speaker through his facial expressions. Body language speaks more than words.
  2. Economic: Non-verbal communication is the most economical. It involves no expenditure.
  3. Personal Influence: Non-verbal communication is quite effective because it carries the personal influence of the speaker also.
  4. Quickness: Non-verbal communication is the quickest form of communication. Since, both the sender and receiver are in front of each other, it takes no time.
  5. Accurate Understanding: It is easy to understand and interpret the message in this form of communication. Body language speaks the attitudes and intentions more accurately. It helps in developing a better understanding,

Disadvantages or Limitations of Non-verbal Communication

  1. Lack of Secrecy: It is difficult to maintain secrecy in this form of communication because expressions or gestures are seen by other persons also. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  2. Possibility of Misunderstanding: If the receiver fails to understand the message, it may create a misunderstanding between the parties.
  3. The necessity of Physical Presence: Non-verbal communication can be possible only if both parties are present facing each other. It cannot be used if they are in different places.
  4. Lack of Proof: An important disadvantage of non-verbal communication is that there is no written proof of the message. It may create a lot of problems in case of future disputes.
  5. Suitable Only for Brief Messages: Non-verbal communication is suitable only if the message is brief.
  6. Not Suitable for Past Events: Non-verbal communication is suitable only for the present and not for past events and ideas.


Meaning of Verbal or Oral Communication

The term ‘verbal’ means anything relating to ‘mouth’. Thus, verbal or oral communication is the form of communication in which a message is transmitted in spoken words. In the process of verbal communication, the sender and receiver exchange their messages either through a face-to-face communication or through some mechanical device. It may take place in different ways such as personal talks, telephonic talks, interviews, seminars, public speeches, etc.

Levels of Verbal or Oral Communication

  1. Face-to-Face Communication: It is the first and most common level of verbal communication. In this form, both the receiver and sender of the message are face to face with each other. The exchange of messages is done with the help of oral words. In this process, the receiver of the message comes to know the body language of the sender also.
  2. Use of Device: In this form of verbal communication, the sender of the message uses some mechanical or electrical device such as a telephone, mobile, internet, etc. Both the sender and receiver of the message complete their communication on the spot.

Channels of Verbal Communication

  1. Face to Face Discussion: It is the simplest and most effective form of verbal communication. In this form, both the sender and receiver of the message exchange their views and ideas.
  2. Meetings and Conferences: In this form, a meeting is called of all persons concerned with the issue. The issues are discussed and on-the-spot decisions are taken. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  3. Speeches: When the persons to be addressed on an issue, are in large numbers, communication may take place in the form of speech. In business chairman may speak to shareholders, the supervisor may speak to workers, the leader may speak to followers, etc.
  4. Training and Refresher Courses: In this form of verbal communication, newly appointed employees are trained for their work employees are trained through refresher courses so that they may come to the modern and latest techniques.
  5. Interviews: This form of communication is very common at the time of selection of new employees. Candidates seeking the job are called for a personal interview. Their ability and skill are tested through interviews.
  6. Telephone and Internet: If the receiver and sender of the message are living in different places, the best way of oral communication is to talk on the telephone and the internet. Both parties complete their communication and get their doubts clear.
  7. Radio and Television: Different information is conveyed to listeners through radio and television also. In business, it is growing as the most popular media of advertisement. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  8. Grapevine: Grapevine means informal communication from one person to another, another to many others, and so on. It takes place generally with regard to unofficial information.

Advantages of Verbal or Oral Communication

  1. Saving of Time: Verbal communication is the most popular form of communication because it takes almost no time. It helps in quick decision-making. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  2. Saving of Money: Verbal communication is very economic. In face-to-face communication, no expenses are involved. Communication through telephone and internet is also very economic.
  3. Personal Touch: Verbal communication is very effective because of personal touch. Both sides can understand each other fully and clearly being face to face. It helps in developing mutual faith and confidence.
  4. Effective Communication: Verbal communication is very effective. It carries more weight in some cases because words are more effective than letters. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  5. Flexibility: Oral communication is quite flexible because it can be changed according to the situation. The flow of language, style of presentation, and mode of instruction can be changed according to need and circumstances.
  6. Participative Management: Oral communication promotes participative management. All persons concerned with an issue are invited to discuss it and take appropriate decisions. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  7. Democratic Leadership: Oral communication promotes democratic leadership. Supervisors and managers can encourage and inspire their subordinates. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  8. Delegation of Authority: Oral communication is helpful in the delegation of authority. Executives may delegate their authority to their subordinates and may inspire them to accept the challenge.

Disadvantages or Limitations of Verbal Communication

  1. Presence of Both Parties: Oral communication is possible only when both parties are present. If the receiver is not available, the density of oral communication is lost.
  2. Not Suitable for Lengthy Messages: Oral communication is suitable only if the message is short because it is very difficult to remember and recall long messages. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  3. Lack of Proof: An important limitation of verbal communication is that there is no proof of communication. Either party may change it. Therefore it cannot be used for future references.
  4. Possibility of Misinterpretation: In oral communication, there is a possibility of misinterpretation. Either party may present the facts in a twisted form. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  5. Not Suitable for Policy Matters: Oral communication is not suitable for policy matters and important decisions because of a lack of proof. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)


Meaning of Written Communication

Written communication is the form of communication in which messages are exchanged in written or printed form. It may be through letters, reports, graphs, charts, notices, circulars, newspapers, magazines, etc. It includes E-mail and fax also. It is a formal type of communication.

Mediums or Channels of Written Communication

  1. Letters, notices, circulars, reports, etc.
  2. Graphs, charts, calendars, diagrams, etc.
  3. Memorandum and Articles of Association, Prospectus, etc.
  4. Commercial Bulletins.
  5. Newspapers, magazines, diaries.
  6. Schedules, programs, guidelines, handbooks.
  7. Books, journals, directories, etc.

Advantages of Written Communication

  1. Effectiveness: Written communication is the most effective form of communication. The receiver of this message can use it authentically and with complete faith. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  2. Accountability and Responsibility: In the case of written communication, it is quite easy to fix accountability and responsibility. The sender of the message cannot escape from it. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  3. Correctness and Completeness: The written message is very clear in its meaning. It gives correct information to the receiver. There is hardly any room for misunderstanding and misinterpretation.
  4. Written Proof: Written communication is proof in itself. It can be used for future reference.
  5. Saving of Time and Cost: If a message is to be conveyed to different people at different places, written communication is the best choice. In such cases, it is most economical and time-saving.
  6. No Need for Personal Contact: In the case of written communication, there is no need for personal contact between the sender and receiver of the message. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)
  7. Essential in Some Conditions: Written communication is a must in the following conditions: (i) When the message is lengthy. (ii) When the message requires some pictures and diagrams. (iii) When secrecy is important. (iv) When a message is to be conveyed to many people at different places. (v) When a message is to be repeated frequently in the future.

Disadvantages or Limitations of Written Communication

  1. Costly: Write communication is very costly in comparison to verbal communication.
  2. Time Consuming: Written communication is formal. It takes much more time than verbal communication.
  3. Quick Clarification and feedback are Not Possible: If the receiver of messages gets some doubt or seeks some clarification, it takes a lot of time. Therefore, written communication is not suitable in case of urgency.
  4. Lack of Secrecy: Critics are of the view that written communication cannot remain secret. Since it passes through many hands, it cannot remain secret.
  5. Not Suitable for Uneducated Persons: Written communication is suitable only for educated persons. It serves no purpose for uneducated persons. (BCom 1st Year Introduction to Business Communication Question Answers)


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