BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material

BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material

BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material: We provide to all the students of Bachelor of Commerce. BCom 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Business Communication Notes Study material, Business Communication question answer, sample papers, mock test papers, and pdf. At gurujistudy.com you can easily get all these study materials and notes for free. Here in this post, we are happy to provide BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material.

BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material
BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material

BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material

Principles of Effective Communication

For a business organisation, it is always advisable to adopt the best possible communication systems to achieve its objectives and goals. In the present situation of extensive marketing with cut-throat competition, it is necessary to have an effective communication system.

I. Clarity

Each part of the communication should be clear so that the concerned person understands the message in exactly the same form, meaning and spirit in which it has been communicated. For clarity in the communication, it is necessary to have the following:

(i) Clarity of thought. When the idea comes to the mind of the sender, he must decide that:

  1. What is the objective of communication?
  2. What is the content to be communicated?
  3. What medium will be suitable for achieving the objective of the communication?

Example. When some inflammable material is stored in a place then the objective of the message will be to communicate ‘Do not smoke’ or ‘smoking is prohibited’.

(ii) Clarity of expression. The receiver should be clear about the idea in the mind of the sender while receiving the coded message. When the sender encodes the message, he must interpret the idea of the communication clearly, Proper attention is needed while selecting the words for the message:

  1. Use of simple words.
  2. Use of clear and concrete expression.
  3. Preference for active forms.

Example. “Your efforts are appreciated by all of us”-not an active form. ‘All of us appreciate your efforts”.  -Active form

(iii) Avoid the use of the infinitive. The use of the infinitive makes the message impersonal and formal.

Example. ‘It is the duty of the cashier to disburse salaries’-Infinite ‘The cashier -Appropriate disburses salaries’

(iv) Avoid meaningless words. Some words do not convey a clear meaning. They should be avoided.

Example. We beg to, this is to acknowledge, at all time, at the present time.

(v) Avoid jargon. Some words do not convey the clear meaning of the message and create confusion. It is better not to use them.

Example. The word ‘dispense’ has two meanings-Dispense to prepare the medicine. Dispense with-to dismiss or get rid of.

(vi) Use short sentences. Short sentences should be used. Long sentences are generally complex and complicated.

II. Completeness

This is the second important principle of communication. Business communication should always be complete in itself. The following points should be kept in mind for completeness:

  1. To whom the message is being sent?
  2. What is the message?
  3. Where the message is to be sent?
  4. When the message is to reach and should be sent?
  5. What is the reason for the message?

All the above points must be clear.

III. Conciseness

The message should be brief. Unnecessary words should be avoided to save time between the sender and the receiver. Efforts should be made to include all the necessary contents in the shortest possible message.


  1. Attached herewith-Attached.
  2. It is desired that we receive—we want.
  3. In the case of –if
  4. In point of fact in fact.

IV. Consideration

It should be clear to the receiver as to what response is expected from him. Feedback should include the following:

  1. The message should be effective. The receiver will respond well only when it is written from his point of view. Use of ‘I’s’ and ‘We’s’ should be avoided and have as many ‘you’s’ as possible. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  2. A positive approach with pleasing facts should be given importance. Negative connotations like ‘no’, ‘excuse me’, ‘we differ’ etc. should not be included in business communication. Instead of them, positive and pleasing words should be used.
  3. It is necessary to have reliability in the message as it reflects the character and trust of a person. It increases the authenticity of the message. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)

V. Courtesy

The more courteous the language of a message more will be its favourable effect on the receiver. Courtesy leads to a courteous response. The following points should be considered for promoting courteous behaviour:

  1. Answer and acknowledgement should be sent promptly.
  2. Avoid irritating expressions.
  3. Apologise for any omission or error.
  4. Thank you generously for a favour in the main part of the message.


  1. I am sorry you could not get the bag in time.
  2. Many many thanks for your letter dated 5 August 2004.

VI. Correctness

The use of false and unnecessary facts in the message is not proper. For the correct message the following points should be considered:

  1. Give correct facts. The sender should ensure that language and facts given are correct.
  2. Send the message at the proper time. Outdated information is useless and therefore, messages must be transmitted and responded to at the proper time. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  3. Send the message in a suitable form. The message must be communicated in a suitable form, so that receiver does not have any problems. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)

In today’s business environment, business communication has become very expensive. Moreover, the business environment has also become extremely busy. Hence, the sender must consider the above points. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)

VII. Integrity

Communication is a tool to develop better understanding, cooperation and a sense of security among managers and employees, in achieving the objectives of the organisation. To achieve this, integrity is necessary. It makes it easy to fulfil the objective of the organisation. Every message has to pass through different levels, for example:

  1. General Manager
  2. Dy. General Manager
  3. Departmental Manager
  4. Senior Officer
  5. Supervisor

Suppose, the General Manager receives a message and conveys it to the supervisor through Dy. General Manager. This process is wrong because it should reach the supervisor through Dy. General Manager, Departmental Manager and Senior Officer. If other officers are ignored then it will be harmful to the organisation. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)

The above analysis makes it clear that communication must possess honesty consideration, reliability, correctness, courtesy, clarity, integrity and completeness. If these qualities are not present in the communication system then it becomes defective and ineffective.

Importance of Effective Communication

New inventions and innovations in the field of communication due to information technology have given new dimensions to business activity. Thus, communication has become fundamental in getting success/unsuccess in our business and trade. Skill in communication is a pre-condition and requirement of every business activity. It becomes more important when there is continuous interaction among managers, professionals and their customers. The success of a businessman depends on the ideas and clarity of information. Any interruption in the communication process will block activities and the functioning of the business.

The importance of effective communication for an organisation or a business unit can be expressed as follows:

  1. The lifeblood of any business. As blood is necessary for the functioning of human beings, so is communication important for an organisation. All the managerial functions are successfully executed by effective communication. Analysis of the functioning of an organisation and the need for changes in future is possible only through effective communication. It helps in establishing the feeling of integrity and uniformity amongst the employees in an organisation. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  2. Development of human relations. To ensure excellent- performance from the employees, it is necessary to maintain good human relationships among them. A manager will not be successful in getting the work performed unless his behaviour towards workers/employees is humane and cordial. In the present business environment, a new dimension has been given to management-employees relations, known as mutual participation. Effective communication helps in changing the ideas and thinking of managers and subordinate employees and boosts their morale for the successful functioning of an organisation. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  3. Basis of improvement of organisational image. Today, every organisation has to realise its social responsibility because every section of society government/consumers/customers public businessmen are closely connected with each other. A business organisation can create and maintain its corporate image with the help of an effective communication system. An effective communication system makes it possible for a manager to keep himself in continuous contact with society, and thereby build a good image of the organisation. Thus effective communication system provides a base for the improvement of organisational image.
  4. Basis of increasing managerial efficiency. Systematic and fast execution of work by managerial staff in an organisation is based on its communication system. The manager is able to convey, give directions, distribute work and exercise control over his subordinates for achieving the objectives of the organisation through a proper communication system only. The very presence of proper communication makes the manager effective. (BCom Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  5. Basis of establishing coordination. The importance of communication increases with the expansion of the business units. In large units, the organisational pattern is determined on the basis of work distribution and specialisation. In such a situation, execution is possible only through proper coordination. For proper coordination, the employees of the organisation must be well aware of the objectives and how to achieve the same. Effective communication is the only way in an organisation that helps in establishing coordination amongst the employees and thereby helps in the proper functioning of the organisation.
  6. Basis of effective control. Today business organisation has evolved with the proper environment and the size of the organisation has grown so big that thousands of employees work in a single unit only. Thus, effective operational control of such an organisation becomes quite complicated and difficult. Therefore, in such situations, the importance of effective communication is felt at all levels. So, a manager through effective communication can always take care of the work progress and if required can make necessary changes in the working pattern also. On the basis of the received information manager also decides future objectives and targets of the organisation.
  7. Basis of the establishment of effective leadership. The basis of effective leadership in an organisation is effective communication, as skill and ability are the necessary pre-conditions for successful leadership of a manager in the concerned organisation. A manager can provide successful leadership only when he is well-versed in effective communication skills.
  8. Basis of decision-making. In the absence of effective communication, it is difficult for a manager to take proper decisions, because it is necessary to have all the related information for taking the right decision, collecting all the necessary information is possible only through effective communication. An effective communication system helps not only in collecting information but also in the successful execution of the work. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  9. Basis of planning. The desired planning of an organisation/business unit depends on effective communication, as a greater dialogue between employees and managers is necessary for the progress of the business unit. For successful implementation of the planned programmes and to control/monitor the activities of concerned employees, effective communication is needed and thus it provides a base for achieving the objectives and goals of planning, (BCom Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  10. Promotion of industrial peace. The cordial relations between management and employees of an organisation lead to industrial peace. The primary objective of a business unit is to make a profit by maximising output with minimum cost; and it is possible only by creating cordial relations between the management and employees through effective communication, either upward or downward. As a result, both the classes managerial and workers, get the opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas, emotions, and problems, thereby establishing industrial peace through continuous effective communication in an organisation. This also helps to maintain industrial peace.
  11. Basis of smooth working of a business firm. Communication is important for the successful and uninterrupted functioning of a firm. In any organisation, the transfer of information and messages depends on the communication process. Management maintains coordination among staff members and concerning elements to achieve the objectives of an organisation. The organisation’s all activities related to sale-purchase, production, finance etc. are performed through communication. The decisions, regarding related activities to achieve various objectives in an organisation are made with the help of internal and external communication processes. Thus, communication forms the basis of the existence of an organisation from the very beginning. Any interruption in communication results in blocking all the activities in an organisation. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)
  12. Basis of maximum production at minimum cost. The main objective of every organisation is to get maximum production at a minimum cost. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to have a strong internal and external communication network. Through this network, a manager gets all the information regarding people’s opinions/ ideas/government policies/latest activities in the market etc. which the organisation to achieve its objectives. With the help of this network, the organisation creates a spirit of cooperation amongst the workers and thus it is able to achieve its objectives. (BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material)


BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material

BCom 1st Year Principles of Effective Communication Notes Study Material


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