BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material

BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material

BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material: We provide to all the students of Bachelor of Commerce. BCom 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Business Communication Notes Study material, Business Communication question answer, sample papers, mock test papers, and pdf. At gurujistudy.com you can easily get all these study materials and notes for free. Here in this post, we are happy to provide you with BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material.

BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material
BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material

BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material

Meaning of Business Communication

Communication, in common language, refers to the exchange of ideas between any two persons or the exchange of some information and or knowledge. The process of communication starts from birth itself.

The objective of any language is to communicate. The word communication has been derived from the Latin word ‘Communico’ which means to distribute or share something. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Thus, communication is a two-way process.

With continuous human evolution, the nature and type of communication have also been changing invariably. From the earliest medium of communication and medium and exchange of information, i.e., the use of wood and leaves to the present day mediums, i.e. language, script, printing press, radio, film, telephone, television, satellite, and internet. mobile etc. is the result of unlimited and ever-increasing wants of human beings which ultimately lead to the continued increase in varied media of communication.

Each and every living being on earth uses some or other form of communication process, but it is only humans who possess the capability of communicating the message in an effective manner. Communication is an art and those who are skilled in this art make themselves more impressive and thereby become successful professionals. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Matthew says that “Communication is something so simple and different that we can never put it in simple words”.

Communication is the lifeblood of any business organisation. The process of retention or termination of an employee in an organisation depends largely on communication as it provides information about internal and external activities to the organisation which can be either favourable or unfavourable to that organisation. Business objectives of an organisation can be achieved by collective efforts, which are possible only through the exchange of facts, thoughts, opinions or emotions of persons working in that organisation are also included. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

In the continually evolving and ever-changing organisational environment of the modern world, communication has been defined in various ways as given below:

Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another whether or not it elicits confidence.” –Koontz and Donells

“Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.” -Norman & Sumner

Communication is defined as “The process of passing on information and understanding from one person to another. It is essentially a bridge of meaning between the people. By using the bridge a person can safely cross the river of misunderstanding.” -Keith Devis “Communication is the sum of all things which a person does when he wants to create an understanding in the mind of another person. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding. -Louis A. Allen

It is clearly evident from the above definitions that under business communication, thoughts and information are communicated from one person to another. It is a process wherein the receiver of information should understand and perceive exactly what is conveyed by the communicator. The main aim of the communication process is to execute the work as per the information. Also, while communicating information one must ensure that thoughts and emotions are taken in their proper perspective.

Nature of Communication

Communication is an important part of any business organisation. Without communication, it is very difficult if not impossible to become a premier and top-level organisation. The nature of communication can be summarised under the following points:

  1. Communication involves at least two persons. In communication, there are at least two persons-one is the sender and the other is the receiver. The person who conveys messages or directives in written, oral or gestural form is known as the SENDER and the person who receives or listens to these messages is the RECEIVER. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  2. The message is very important in communication. The message is an important element in communication i.e., message through lecture, order, suggestion, discussion, advice, etc. Communication necessarily conveys some message. Without a message, communication has no relevance. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  3. Communication may be written/oral/gestural. Communication is generally in written or oral form, but the gesture of lips, eyes, hands etc. also is a very important way of communicating. Thus, communication may be oral, written or gestural.
  4. Communication may be formal/informal. Communication may be formal or informal depending on the structure of an organisation. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  5. Communication is a two-way process. It is a two-way process as the message is conveyed by the sender to the receiver and the feedback in return is received. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  6. Communication is a continuous process. It is a continuous process. In no case should there be any obstacle to communication? To achieve the desired results series of efforts are required. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  7. Communication is a less time-consuming process. The communication process is less time-consuming when the receiver responds with his feedback as promptly immediately after receiving the as he receives message or information.
  8. Need of proper medium. The selection of medium of communication is vital. The selection of an appropriate medium is done for the transfer of a message to give relevance to the subject matter. To fulfil the objective, clarity and completeness of the message are musts.
  9. Communication as a bridge of intellectual efficiency. Communication is related to the transfer of facts and experiences. Clarity should be maintained while transferring the message to avoid any sort of confusion between the sender and receiver. Thus, it acts as a bridge of intellectual efficiency between them. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  10. Communication as a tool of relationship building. Communication act as a tool to establish, develop and strengthen relations in a business organisation. Thus, it is quite apparent that communication is a process that conveys messages and information from one person to another and a process of exchange of messages amongst them, which includes orders, directives, suggestions, complaints, exchange of ideas and opinions etc. It is a continuous process with the capacity to convey and obtain and receive feedback in return.

Scope of Functions of Communication

The scope of communication is widespread. It is an interdisciplinary process affected by numerous factors. In an organisation, it has two form-internal and external communication. Its scope can be expressed as follows:

  1. Sharing of information. The primary aim of communication is to convey the message from its source to the target person or group.

In an organisation, various kinds of information have to be communicated like information related to its policies, regulations, laws, changes, developments, etc. In addition, some specific information like particular benefits, achievements, major changes in organisation etc. needs immediate or prompt communication. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

  1. Feedback. In an organisation, for the achievement of high-level managerial targets, finding solutions to problems, fixing targets for employees and for the performance of various departments as well as appropriate solutions and necessary adjustments, there is always a need for feedback. In communication, process feedback motivates people in accepting challenges and preparing realistic plans of action.
  2. Basis of control. The system of monitoring and controlling in an organisation is known as Management Information System. Information is communicated as per the basic model of the plan. Thus, communication helps to ensure such control.
  3. Effects. Communication is power. The main objective of communication is to influence persons in an organisation to give better performance. The employees in an organisation communicate to create a favourable environment in working relations etc.
  4. Solution of problems. In most cases, the aim of communication is to provide a solution to the problem. Communication between management and the union aims at finding solutions to problems.
  5. Developing decision-making ability. There is always a need for various types of communication for decision making in an organisation, like exchange of information, availability of ideas etc. Thus, communication plays an important role in the decision-making process. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  6. Helping positive changes. The effectiveness of change introduced in an organisation depends on clarity and simplicity of communication. It is the communicator who identifies the problems between management and workers through communication and thereby proper steps are taken for desirable changes in working plans. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  7. Group construction. Communication helps in establishing relations. Groups get uncoordinated when there is a communication gap in the group. Therefore, communication is very important for developing favourable working conditions in a group.
  8. Liaison with the outside world. Communication helps an organisation in establishing liaison with the rest of the world. To increase its effectiveness, an organisation can make use of its better working environment with the help of proper communication.
  9. Entertainment. Everybody needs entertainment after his daily routine of work. It plays an important role in our life. A person indirectly learns a lot from entertainment which is also a part of communication.
  10. Directives. The directive is an important activity of communication. It helps in educating and socialising the members of society. This starts from the very beginning of man’s life. Communication develops knowledge, skills, personality, and charm and thus through directiveness provides him opportunities for active participation in social life.
  11. Developing persuasive skills. Communication develops a person’s capacity to pursue and convince others. Experience and practice help in better interpretation and thereby makes it possible to control and govern the business entity.
  12. Helping interaction and discussion. Without communication skills, interaction and discussion are just not possible. With the help of communication skills, the speaker’s and listeners’ viewpoints are conveyed with clarity and interest.
  13. Cultural encouragement. Communication provides opportunities to learn and encourage cultures within and across various countries. In the modern age of global business competition, one has to increase business activities by learning and understanding the cultural disparities of various regions and countries. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Conditions of Communication

The process of communication is possible only when the following conditions are present:

  1. Senders willingness to send messages.
  2. Presence of receiver.
  3. Presence of capacity in the receiver to receive the message.
  4. The receiver has the capacity to respond.

If the above conditions are present then only effective communication is possible. Otherwise, it is just not possible.

Main Elements of Communication-There are five elements of communication as given below:

(i) Communicator. Sender, speaker, writer etc. who takes the responsibility of communicating.

(ii) Recipient. The receiver receives messages, orders, information etc.

(iii) Message. This is the main element which is in the form of a statement, order, information, strategy or suggestion.

(iv) Channel—The channel is a medium through which message or information reaches the communicator to communicate.

(v) Feedback. This is the impact or reaction which reaches back to the communicator in response to the delivered message.

Communication is a process. It means the existence of communication depends on flow, sequence and series of suborders. This process begins with the inception of an idea or thought to its reaching to appropriate person through an appropriate channel so that the receiver is in a position to use it for favourable and effective results. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Communication is a two-way process wherein the perception of the receiver should aptly synchronise with the expectation of the communicator.

Communication has a wide scope because of a vast variety of human ideas, thoughts, facts, information and knowledge.

Communication helps to send ideas, thoughts, and information from one person to another in any form, i.e., verbal, written, graphical or gestural. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

There are three modes of communication upward, downward and horizontal which are interrelated to each other.

Selection of Suitable Media of Communication

An organisation or business unit has to consider the following points to select suitable media or channels for communication:

  1. Correctness. While selecting a medium for communication care must be taken to ensure that message does not get distorted and that its correctness remains intact. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  2. Necessity. Such a mode and medium of communication should be selected that suit the needs of the particular organisation. Teleconferencing or video conferencing may be suitable for an organisation which is having its branches all over the world, but the same is meaningless for an organisation operating and dealing locally. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  3. Confidentiality. Trade secret forms the basis of an organization’s success. The medium of communication should be so selected that the message remains confidential and confined to concerned persons only. The widespread conveying of messages may go against the interest of an organisation at times. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  4. Effectiveness. The medium of communication should convey the message so effectively that it influences the receiver positively.
  5. Favourable speed. While selecting the medium it should be ensured that the speed can be controlled as per the requirements. There must be a proper facility available in the medium to send messages at the fastest speed as and when required.
  6. Comfortability. The medium of communication must be easy to understand and also comfortable. The medium of communication should be free from interruptions so that distortion of the message can be avoided.
  7. Favourable cost. The cost of establishment, maintenance and operations of the medium of communication should be affordable to the organisation. Its utility for the organisation must be higher relative to its cost.
  8. Written. The written message to various offices, and departments serves as documents of proof and can be used as evidence whenever needed. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Objectives of communication

The main objective of communication is to send the proper message to the proper person through the proper channel at the proper time and place. The organisation should make all efforts that the communication process is activated with ease and comfort so that it does not interrupt the functionality of the business process. The main objectives of communication are as follows:

  1. Proper message. This is the main aim of the communication process that the proper message gets communicated at the proper time to the right person. The information sent by the Sender must be perceived in the same manner by the Receiver. It is, therefore, necessary that proper media is selected so that it conveys the exact meaning of the message to the receiver.
  2. Coordination among activities. Communication is an important tool that coordinates and regulates various business activities. Thus, for coordination in business proper communication is an important pre-condition.
  3. Improvement of management skills. In an organisation, communication media helps in establishing better understanding amongst the employees. The events, ideas, thoughts, complaints, and suggestions from the lower level of management can be communicated to the top level of management through a proper communication channel, which provides proper information and outlook to the management which inturn improves managerial skills. It forms a part of the learning process.
  4. Implementation of policies. Communication acts as a key to better implementation of policies and programmes framed by an organisation. The presence of effective communication in an organisation avoids obstacles and interruptions in the implementation of policies and programmes thereby ensuring the success of the organisation.
  5. Development of positive industrial relations. Communication helps the manager to understand the behaviour and psychology of employees like their real feelings, idea, opinion, information, expressions etc. Thus, it helps managers in increasing their knowledge and understanding. No doubt, communication is a learning process. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Importance of Communication

“Communication is the lifeblood of any organisation. Without communication process, there can be no business activity.” – Davis Keith

If there is no communication then it will be very difficult for a manager or employee to find out what is going on in the organisation, and the management will not be in a position to receive any information. It can neither give any directives nor maintain coordination of the various activities of the organisation. Lack of communication will lead to failure of work in the organisation. The organisation will lose cooperation just because the workforce will not be in a position to convey to others their requirements and emotions.

Without the process of communication, there will be no possibility of exchange of information, problems, solution of problems, feedback and assessment of achievement. Thus, it is clear that communication is fundamental to an organisation and it is true that communication is a dynamic aspect of every organisation. Communication is also important due to following reasons:

  1. Need for proper and efficient operation of the business. Communication is necessary for the proper and efficient operation of an organisation or a business unit. It makes a business unit effective and dynamic because coordination of different departments and continuous sales of products requires effective communication. Thus, without communication success in business is not possible.
  2. Need for effective leadership. Communication skill is a necessary pre-condition for effective leadership. A manager who is well versed and skilled enough to communicate possesses the quality of leadership. In a good communication network, the flow and exchange of information and ideas amongst the employees and managers lead, to better understanding and thereby removing misconceptions in the working environment with more effective and faster communication media the leaders will be in a much better position to convey their ideas, emotions, thoughts, course of action and suggestions to another employee successfully.
  3. Developing skills of coordination. The process of communication helps in developing cooperation and coordination amongst human beings. It helps in the exchange of ideas and information strengthens unity and increases the efficiency of employees. In an organisation, there are various departments which carry on their specific activities independently. Better coordination amongst various departments is achieved through the directives from high-level management. Efficiency and unity are not possible without proper communication.
  4. Helps in the development of management skills. Communication is necessary for the management to ensure proper execution. It is because of communication that management achieves its targets and objectives, is able to give directives and carry on responsibilities and also examine and evaluate the behaviour of employees. Thus, it is said that communication is an important element of successful management. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)
  5. Helps in proper planning. Effective communication is always helpful in an organisation’s planning and functioning. Communication plays an important role in the effective implementation of organisational plans and in achieving the defined targets and objectives.
  6. Improving public relations. In modern times it is necessary for a business organisation to make its place in society. With changing times the meaning of public relations has also undergone a change. The importance of public relations is now being realised in not only semi-government institutes and public undertakings but also in incorporates and industries. One can find public relations personnel in all these organisations. It means that communication is playing an important role in this direction.
  7. Helps in providing competitive information. Modern business is competitive by nature. To face the challenges of competition more and more information is necessary. It is not only necessary to obtain useful information and pass it on to concerned persons, but it is also necessary to take appropriate steps to face the challenges of competition.
  8. Achieving high productivity through job satisfaction. The sense of job satisfaction is developed through communication media, which results in the form of achieving high productivity by workers in an organisation. It is through communication that a person can express his role, his skills and efficiency his expectations in the Business organisation. In the absence of proper communication workers’ level of job satisfaction will decline and will affect their productivity adversely.
  9. Delegation and decentralisation. In a large organisation, it is not possible for top-level management to supervise each and every activity of the organisation by themselves and, therefore, they have to adopt the process of delegation and decentralisation of powers and activities, which is possible only through effective communication.
  1. Democratic management system. Each and every person in a business organisation has a salient desire to participate in the management process, and an efficient manager creates such an environment for his subordinates where they can authoritatively participate in the managerial decision-making process. Effective communication plays a dominant role in maintaining continuous contact between management and workers. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Thus, we find that communication plays a very vital role in the process of change in an organisation. When the workers are fully equipped with useful and favourable information then they are full of confidence. The most appropriate communication and appropriate behaviour of workers is the key to the success of an organisation. Therefore, an organisation must give top priority to proper and effective communication systems. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Importance of Communication for Managers

Almost all the activities of a manager are performed through effective communication and, therefore, an effective communication process is very important for a manager. The major activities of a manager are as follows:

  1. To achieve the objectives.
  2. To organise.
  3. To encourage and communicate.
  4. To measure the work.
  5. To develop a personality.

Every manager has to perform all the above activities. Communication is a major tool in the hands of the manager to undertake his responsibilities successfully. Whatever he speaks or writes, in other words, whatever information or message he has to convey, depends on the communication process. Thus, the success of a manager depends on effective communication. The ability to listen, read, write, and think establishes him as an effective and successful manager. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Today, the business environment has undergone a complete change. The concept of management has also changed. The new aspects are being added to it, therefore, it becomes necessary for a manager to accumulate proper and useful information on time. For example, to know the market conditions and capital requirements etc. before launching of a new product.

If a manager is able to do it he gets success. It is necessary for a manager to run the business with proper control and monitoring, to communicate on a priority basis his production targets to the lowest level business departments and also to communicate results to high-level management. A good and efficient manager possesses the quality of using communication media for better public relations as appropriate public relations is very important for an organisation.

Thus, we can see how useful communication is for a manager because his success depends on effective communication.

Importance of Communication in India

India is a democratic country and in a democracy, the importance and the role of communication cannot be ignored. Communication ensures a healthy atmosphere, communal harmony, happiness, progress and unity and helps in making them dynamic and better. It a.so goes a long way in maintaining harmony between the government and the people and making their relations more cordial.

In a democracy, social organisations and their relations are complementary to each other. Thus, communication plays a very important role in tuning social organisations, social institutions, societies and individuals by bringing them into the mainstream. That means, communication maintains cordial relations, leads society in the right direction and helps various communities and individuals to join the mainstream of society at large. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Though communication messages and information reach the distant parts of a nation, urban as well as rural and as it invariably carries the message for betterment, it gives incentives to do better things, forms public opinion in the right direction, beings awareness and creates in them an urge for hard work and social work so that the society achieves the desired targets.

This way, communication creates an atmosphere of active cooperation among government administration and business organisations which promotes national interest and creates a better image of the nation at the international level. Thus, in the communication process, there is always a feeling for people, welfare. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Today, a competitive environment has been created in our country because of rapid industrialisation, new reforms in agriculture, the spread of financial institutions and the entry of multinationals. Under these circumstances marketing our products with the help of advertisements is necessary to have a larger market share for our products, to establish cordial relations amongst management and workers, and to develop an impressive image in the public has become essential. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

It is a general belief that those institutions, industries, products, corporates etc. which do not remain in regular contact with buyers their very existence becomes questionable. Nowadays, the social atmosphere has become important and pointed along with increasing industrialisation. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

The labour force for its demands and rights keeps constant pressure on management by going on strikes, organising demonstrations and gherao etc. In addition, trade unions, internal conflict, fractions, disputes, slums dwelling around the industrial areas, water and air pollution etc. are creating various problems that our country is facing today. Under these circumstances, the task of communication has become more challenging. Nevertheless, communication is capable of creating a healthy and favourable atmosphere in our country. New aspects of communication are emerging in the form of public relations and future challenges.

Corporations, organisations, undertakings, industries, semi-government establishments etc. now are becoming more concerned about the importance of public relations. One can find public relation personnel in those organisations. Communication now is having its proper place in management structure and management directives. Thus, the future of communication is bright in India.

There are numerous important aspects of the business sector in modern India, which need communicators’ attention. Communication has to consider all internal and external aspects of our environment that affects business, work efficiency, profit earning, credit availability etc. This is an important function of communication from a management point of view.

In the modern world, new requirements related to communication have emerged because of multinationals and other companies, the tendency for profiteering, the merger of companies, and take over of other companies etc.

The increasing competition in the Indian economy and uncontrolled tendencies in modern society have resulted in consumerism and, therefore, consumers’ needs, requirements, consumer, relations, appropriate managerial education consumer’s expectations etc. are becoming important issues in communication. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

Today we witness a revolutionary change in communication facilities. Now, with the help of communication media financial and business activities are performed with ease and without losing time. Communication media like television and other visual aids cannot be ignored as they help in making effective communication very easy and fast.

Modern science has provided us with new media of communication like Desk Top Publishing, fare, computers, Internet, E-mail, Satellite Communication, Video, Videoconferencing cell phones, etc. Communication with maximum speed is now possible because of these media gadgets. Although at present there are many problems in the communication sector yet the future of communication in India is certainly bright. (BCom Introduction to Business Communication Notes Study Material)

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