BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers

BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers

BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers: We provide to all the students of BCom. BCom 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Business Communication Notes Study material, question answers, sample papers, mock test papers, and pdf. At gurujistudy.com you can easily get all these study materials and notes for free. Here in this post, we are happy to provide you with BCom 1st Year Business Communication Writing Skill Question Answers.

BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers
BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers

BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers

Q. 1. What do you mean by writing skill? Describe the steps of writing skills.

or, Write a note on writing skills.



Writing skill means the art of writing. It answers: How to write an effective letter. Effective business writing requires hard work, regular practice, proper attention, and intensive concentration. In these days of rapid technological, and economic development and stiff competition, effective business communication is gaining more and more importance.


Writing skill is a process and not only a function. It includes the following steps:

  1. Planning: Writing skill requires proper planning. It should answer the following questions clearly:

(i) Purpose of communication,

(ii) Analysis of audience,

(iii) Framing the message,

(iv) Collecting data to support the message,

(v) Organising the message.

  1. First Draft: After completing the phase of planning, the writing process starts. In this process, words are given to thoughts. Sentences and paragraphs are created and illustrations and details are selected to support the main idea. The first draft can be written in two ways:

(i) Linear Style: In this style, all the facts are written stepwise. The writer moves from one point to another.

(ii) Circular Style: In this style, all the facts are written together without a fixed progression of points and data.

  1. Revising: After preparing the first draft, it is revised so that relevant information may be added, unnecessary information may be deleted and the flow of language may be made effective. Grammar, punctuation, and language are reviewed so that the communication may satisfy the seven C’s. The purpose and content of the message are reviewed. Murphy, Hildebrandt and Thomas have suggested the following points to be checked:

(i) Does your message accomplish its purpose?

(ii) Have you chosen the most effective organizational plan?

(iii) Are your points supported by adequate material?

(iv) Is your language complete, concise, considerate, concrete, clear, courteous, and correct?

(v) Have you used variety in sentence structure?

  1. Editing: Editing means final checking and revising, wherever, necessary. It includes checking the draft for good sentences, correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It focuses on the surface of writing. Once edited the message, you are ready for proofreading.

Q. 2. How is a business letter planned to make it effective? Also, explain the importance of a business letter.

Or, Enumerate the steps of planning business letters.



Business letters are letters related to business affairs. These letters may relate to an inquiry, reply, order, information, reference, complaints, suggestions, etc. When two or more businessmen contact each other, business letters are required. The importance of these letters may be summarised as follows:

  1. Helpful For New Business Units: Business letters play an important role in the case of new business units. Such units can establish business contacts with more and more parties through business letters. These letters can be a good medium of advertisement.
  2. Helpful in the Expansion of Business: Business letters are helpful in the expansion of business in new areas also. If a business unit launches a new product or a new scheme, it can be popularised through business letters.
  3. Helpful in Maintaining Existing Relations: Business letters are very useful in maintaining relations with all customers and suppliers. A letter gets the memories alive. (BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers)
  4. Helpful in the removal of Problems, Complaints, and Grievances: Business letters are very effective in solving the problems, complaints, and grievances of all parties. A better and more effective explanation can be given through business letters.
  5. Important for Future Reference: Business letters can be used as a reference, as and when required. These can be presented in court also as proof. Many times, important business problems have been solved with the help of business letters.
  6. More Effective Than Personal Contact: “Pen is more important than the tongue.” Business letters play a more important role than personal contacts. There may be some matters and issues which may not be discussed verbally.

There may be some points that may not be conveyed personally. This can easily be done through letters.


“Plan the work, and then work the plan,”

“Planning is deciding in advance what, why, where, when, who, and how.”

A good plan should be devised before writing a business letter. An effective business letter may yield more results than ten hateful letters. The following steps should be considered before writing business letters:

  1. Identify the Purpose: The very first step in writing a business letter is to identify the purpose for which it is being written. It may be: To introduce the enterprise, to introduce a new product, to inform about a new scheme, to lodge a complaint, to reply to a complaint, to place an order, to comply with an order, etc. It may be to create or maintain goodwill. According to Thill and Bovee, “The purpose of the message determines content, organization, style, format.”
  2. Analyzing the Audience: Second important step of planning a business letter is to analyze the audience or receivers. It answers the following questions: Who are the audience, what are their attitude, what do they need to know, what response do you expect from them, etc? It will help in choosing a message the according to the needs, interests, and attitudes of the audience.
  3. Defining Main Idea: After the analysis of purpose and audience, the question arises: How to achieve the purpose, what message may work best with this purpose and audience, etc, Business message should be boiled down to the main idea. Every word of the message should support this idea. In the words of Murphy, “If you are answering a letter, underline the main points to discuss and jot your ideas in the margin.” If you are writing an unsolicited message, begin by listing ideas as they come to you, i.e., “Brainstorming and then chasing the best idea for your receiver.”
  4. Collect Supporting Data: Effective business letters should be supported by facts, figures, quotations, ideas from a book or a person, or any other proof. You may add a brochure, table, picture, photograph, or product sample to support the main idea.
  5. Organize the Message: It is the last step of planning a business letter. It implies that before writing a letter, all the information should be collected and arranged in a proper manner. The following points should be observed in this regard:

(i) Subject and purpose of the message must be clear,

(ii) Facts and figures of the message must relate to the subject and purpose,

(iii) Ideas must be properly grouped and presented,

(iv) All relevant information must be included and irrelevant information should be avoided,

(v) Ideas should be presented in the appropriate sequence.

Q. 3. How should the first draft of a business letter be prepared?

Or, Explain the principles to be followed while writing the first draft of a business letter.



The process of writing the first draft of a business letter starts after completing the planning and organizing of the message. If it is not an urgent letter, all ideas should be put on paper for a day or two and then review with a fresh look. It will enable you to improve the flow of ideas. Do not worry if the draft is not completed in one go there will be enough time to revise and refine the matter. You should feel free to rearrange, add and delete the ideas. Enough space should be left between the lines so that necessary changes may be made easily.

The following principles should be followed while writing the first draft:

  1. Style: Style is the way of using and presenting words. The style of a business letter should be clear, concise, and correct. It should conform to the norms, conventions, and traditions. Style may be changed according to the need and circumstances. It depends upon the nature of the message and your relationship with the reader. (BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers)
  2. Tone: Tone means the use of words and the flow of language. The following points should be observed in this regard:

(i) Do not show too much friendly and familiar.

(ii) Do not resort to flattery.

(iii) Do not preach.

(iv) Do not boast as be yourself and diplomatic.

(v) Be respectful when communicating with someone higher in order

(vi) Be polite when communicating with someone lower in order.

(vii) Business letters should sound businesslike.

  1. Use “You’ Attitude: ‘You’ attitude should be adopted instead of the T and ‘We’ attitudes. The words ‘You’ and ‘Yours’ should be used instead of the words ‘I, We, Me, Us, Mine, Ours’. If the word ‘You’ cannot be used (when you want to blame), a different manner of writing may be adopted. (BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers)
  2. Positive Attitude: So far as possible positive attitude should be adopted. It convinces the reader of your difficulties. You should say what you can do and not what you cannot do. You should try to avoid referring to failures, problems, or shortcomings.
  3. Politeness: A business letter should always be polite. Negative words and expressions should be avoided. The language and style of the letter should not hurt the feelings and emotions of the receiver. (BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers)
  4. Establish Credibility: “Promise only what you can do and do what you promise.” A business letter should be drafted in a manner that may establish your credibility. The information you provide in your letter should be based on facts. Your points should be supported through observation, research, or experiment. (BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers)

Q. 4. Write a note on the revision of the first draft.

or, How is the first draft of a business letter revised?

Ans. Once a business letter is drafted, it should be revised. Many researchers have established that a business letter should be revised at least three times. This process may be summarised as follows:

  1. First Revision: In the first revision, the matter of the draft should be carefully checked on the following points:

(i) Does the draft meet the requirements of the organization?

(ii) Does the draft meet the requirements of the receiver?

(iii) Does the draft contain all necessary information?

(iv) Does the draft contain accurate and true information?

(v) Is the language and flow of the letter clear?

(vi) Is the language and flow free from contradictory, statements?

(vii) Is the information in the letter supported by reliable data and information?

  1. Second Revision: In the second revision, the arrangement and layout of the letter should be checked on the following points:

(i) Does the layout of the letter satisfy the purpose of the reader and the situation?

(ii) Does the language connect the paragraphs properly?

(iii) Is the layout of the letter informative?

(iv) Have the thoughts been properly expressed?

(v) Are the first and last paragraphs of the letter impressive?

  1. Third Revision: In the third revision, the grammar and style of the letter should be checked on the following points:

(i) is the language of letters easy to read and understand?

(ii) Is the message free from bias?

(iii) Can the message build goodwill?

(iv) May the reader understand what he is supposed to tool?

Points to be considered While Revising the Draft

(i) Read the first draft and if you think that it cannot serve the purpose effectively, start fresh and put your thoughts on paper.

(ii) Try to complete the draft in one go. Also, try to revise it in one go.

(iii) While revising, more time should be given to the first and last paragraphs because these sections have a great impact on the audience.

(iv) If you do not have adequate time for revision, do a light revision. A light revision is better than skipping revision.

Q. 5. Write a note on editing.

or, How can a business letter be edited?

Ans. Editing means checking a letter for the right words, proper sentences, and coherent paragraphs. Editing involves the following steps:

  1. Editing for Proper Words: Words in the business letter should be correct and effective. These words should be short, strong, and familiar as follows:

(i) Short Words: A business letter should have short words because they are easy to read and understand. They may communicate better than long words. (BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers)

(ii) Strong Words: In a business letter, nouns and verbs are very important. Strong words should be used in place of weak phrases.

(iii) Familiar Words: Simple and familiar words should be used in business letters. It makes them more effective and impressive.

  1. Editing for Proper Sentences: A business letter should be edited for its sentences. A letter should maintain a balance between three types of sentences: simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences. Short and simple sentences are more impressive than long and complex sentences. Unnecessary words and phrases should be avoided. Key thoughts should be placed in prominent positions.
  2. Editing for Coherent Paragraphs: A paragraph is a cluster of sentences. Each paragraph is a unit of thought in itself. All paragraphs together make up the entire composition. While editing, each paragraph should be focused on a single idea. Each paragraph should contain a topic sentence. All paragraphs should be edited for smooth flow, effective development, and coherence so that they may suit the subject. (BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers)

BCom 1st Year Writing Skill Question Answers

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