BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material

BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material

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BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material
BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material

BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material

Positive Personal Attitudes

Attitudes. Attitude refers to the mental process of analyzing a person/group/ thing or thought. Attitude has a strong effect on a person’s liking and dislikings and also on his behavior. Thus, attitude is subjective. A businessman needs a positive attitude to run his business successfully. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

According to T. M. Newcomb, “Attitude is a state of readiness for the motive house.”

According to Krech and Crutchfield, “Attitude is an enduring organization of motivational emotional, perceptual and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of the individual, world.”

According to Morgan and Icing “An attitude is a tendency to respond either positively or negatively to certain persons, objects, or situations. Attitudes have a feeling component, a cognitive component, and an action component.”

Attitude has three components:

(i) Cognitive Component

(ii) Feeling Component

(iii) Action Component

The cognitive component refers to any type of opinion in relation to some subject or thing, in the form of acceptance as expressed in words. If you have a positive attitude towards something-person/thing/idea, then your opinion about that person/thing/idea will also be positive. If your attitude towards a person/thing/idea is negative then your opinion about it will also be negative. For example, if a consumer thinks that an increase in demand is due to a fall in price, then his attitude is positive.

The feeling component refers to your past experience about something or some subject or some person. This component is very important.

The action component refers to the tendency of acting according to some opinion or feeling. 10 reflects the trust and feelings of a person.

It is clear that our attitude towards a subject/thing/person can be positive, negative, or neutral, Positive attitude is a positive analysis of a subject, which means our liking for a thing or subject or our favorable behavior towards a thing or subject and it shows our positive attitude. It is created through motivation. Thus, it is the motivation that shapes the attitude and also brings change and re-establishes or reconstructs the attitude of a person. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

The above analysis makes it clear that attitude is a person’s mental perception that reveals his mental appraisal. There are two main functions of attitude.

(i) Knowledge/object appraisal function.

(ii) Personality/social identification function.

Knowledge/object appraisal function. This function of attitude helps a person in understanding the atmosphere. For example; student’s attitudes toward cold drinks and class economics are shown as follows:

He likes cold drinks.

He avoids the class of economics.

The above two tendencies of a student reveal the important characteristics of an objective attitude. This helps us skillfully deal with the student in an effective way.

Personality/social identification. This function of attitude helps a person in expressing his opinion about himself, his thoughts, and about and against a particular case or situation. It also helps in making relationships among people. One can know and understand the complete personality of a person from his attitude. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Most of the attitudes can be learned or adopted. A person can learn an attitude by practicing it, by knowing it from somebody by discussing it, living in the company of others having such an attitude. This aspect of attitude helps in gaining knowledge of the related subject.

An attitude can be in the form of a presentation of our analysis related to some particular subject or thing and thus it helps in improving our knowledge. This includes ourselves, other persons, functioning things, happenings or events, thought or idea, etc. Our attitude towards a subject or thing can be positive, negative, or neutral. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

It has two components:

(i). Positive Vs Negative effect.

(ii). Seeking Vs Avoiding contact.

Communication Process and Attitude

As has already been explained in an earlier chapter, the communicator is the chief component or factor in every communication process. A communicator has a specific opinion on a particular subject or event. He motivates others to have or to follow the same opinion. To execute this function, he follows a pre-planned or pre-determined communication process. This process motivates other persons to change their opinion according to the thoughts or ideas of the communicator. This whole process has three main elements:

(i) Source

(ii) Communication/Transmission

(iii) Atmosphere/Environment

Sometimes it happens that the communicated message or information does not reach the listener or receiver in its original form. Its main reason is the absence of a line of communication. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Example-Eighty a percent of Indians are ignorant about fast food.

Once an attitude is developed in relation to a particular thing or object then it becomes the permanent mental attitude towards that thing or object. For example, most people call ‘vegetable oil’ as ‘Dalda Ghee’ by name.

Building a Positive Attitude. A person forms his attitude towards things from the very beginning of his life which then remains lifelong as it is. It is, therefore, necessary that a person should build a proper positive attitude from the beginning of his life. For building a positive attitude towards things, a person should have the desire to become a successful person, have the knowledge of ways and means to become a successful person, and have the determination and necessary discipline to follow those ways and means (or rules/policies). A person should follow the ways given below to build a positive attitude. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

  1. A person should bring positive change in his thinking by looking for good points in everything, event or fact. If one goes on searching for shortcomings and errors in some person, event, happening, or fact, then good and better aspects of that person, event, or fact are ignored. Such a person becomes habitual of finding shortcomings and errors in others. A person with negative thinking and attitude always tries to highlight shortcomings, errors, and the dark side of other persons or events. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)
    Searching for good points does not mean ignoring the shortcomings altogether. The idea is to give emphasis on looking for the good aspects of a person/ thing rather than always looking only at the bad or negative aspects. A person looking at the dark side only unnecessarily creates tension in the atmosphere around him. On the other hand, positive thinking builds a happy atmosphere and motivates others also to do something better. To build a positive attitude it is essential that a person should be always hopeful and optimistic. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)
  2. A person should develop the habit of doing every work promptly; because carelessness towards work leads to negative thinking. To avoid the work or keeping it for the next day will reduce or bring down the capacity to work. Every moment of life is important.
  3. A person should inculcate dedicated behavior towards others and not remain only self-centered. One should not look at every fact or event from his own point of view. Generally, people have the habit of looking at an event or fact only on the basis of their own priorities and advantages. They try to find in everything/fact/ event which only their self-interest, instead of understanding the true meaning and reality of wider interest of such thing/fact or event. (BCom Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)
  4. To develop a positive attitude, a person should form the habit of gaining knowledge. Proper education has a lasting impact on the mind and heart of a person. So, education should not aim only at obtaining high grades in the examination but should aim at gaining real knowledge and understanding. Good education and learning always strengthen positive attitudes.
  5. It is essential to create a sense of self-respect to develop a positive attitude in a person. The sense of self-respect develops in a person, the capacity to understand his own ‘self”. The way we feel about a thing or person, we shall have our behavior changed towards it accordingly.
  6. A person should always avoid negative elements. The way a person wants to lead his life, he has to learn the ways and means to lead that life. A person’s lifestyle gets shaped according to the atmosphere or environment in which he lives. He should take care that negative thinking does not overpower his “self”. (BCom Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)
  7. For a positive attitude, a person should start his day with positive ideas. It means, he should adopt positive thinking and positive behavior.

It is clear that opportunities do not knock on the door time and again. The person who can identify opportunities in time gets success in life. In the present age of competition, in addition to the identification of opportunities, a person must possess a positive attitude, which will help him in finding solutions to most of his problems, Positive attitude not only makes him an optimist but also all others around him. Remember, even when you have lost everything, the future is still saved. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Similarly, every dark cloud has a “silver lining”. A positive attitude increases possibilities, and the person takes his next step with hope and more confidence. Positive attitudes make us free from unnecessary fear tension/worries; particularly for women who are supposed to be easily affected by negative thinking. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Development of a Personal Positive Attitude

A personal positive attitude is developed through persuasion. Persuasion means the building of a positive attitude, any change in it, its re-establishment, or its reconstruction should be through communication.

This whole process is not an automatic one and how seriously a receiver is taking the message, depends on the success or failure of communication. It is very easy to make the information available to a person, but one cannot compel him to think or act according to that information. The effectiveness of persuasion is determined on the basis of the reaction of the receiver of that information. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Persuasion is of two types:

(i) External persuasion

(ii) Systematic persuasion

External persuasion refers to a change in the attitude of a person because of external influences. For example, audience trust in the message of an expert or specialist who gave facts and figures can accordingly change their attitude towards a thing. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Systematic persuasion refers to the building of the attitude of a person by giving more attention, logic, arguments, nature of the discussion, and its quality. When the audience listens to the message, understands its subject matter, and gives a proper response reaction to it, then it can be said that the message is persuasive pressure. The change that is brought about by such effective messages is sustainable for a long time; whereas change through external pressure persuasion is less stable. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Persuasion Communication Process

(1) Attending message. Communication should have the quality to attract attention immediately. It means the communication must compel the audience/receiver to pay attention to listening or seeing the message.

(2) Comprehending the message. The first activity of communication is to attract attention. To attract attention does not mean that message has been completely understood. To make him understand the message correctly, the message should be communicated in an easy and simple form. Many times it happens that the information provided to influence a person is beyond his capacity to understand. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

Thus, we fail to make him understand the message properly. It is, therefore, necessary that the message should be presented in its simple form.

(3) Reaction message. In a communication process, a person not only collects information but gives his response also, which is known as feedback. This feedback can be positive or negative. A communication process is considered as successful when a person along with listening, also acts on it or implements it.

A person can accept or reject the instructions of the message. The process of acceptance/rejection leads to expansion. When the feedback is systematic then the expansion is possible on the basis of the subject matter of communication.

(4) Accepting message. A systematic message takes the form of a persuasion message with the accepted expansion. If a message gets a negative response then it is not a persuasive message. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

In the whole communication process, the response/reaction of the audience is far more important than the subject matter of the message. (BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material)

BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material

BCom 1st Year Development of Positive Personal Attitudes Notes Study Material

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