BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers: BSc is a three-year program in most universities. Some of the universities also offer BSc Honours. After getting enrolled for BSc, there are certain things you require the most to get better grades/marks in BSc. Out of those, there are BSc Study Material, BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers Sample Model Practice Mock Question Answer Papers along with BSc Previous Year Papers.

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BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers
BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers

A. Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Words

1. Coelenterata is a group of animals having single central cavity, known as ………. .

2. Polymorphism means ……… .

3. The polyp and medusa are ………. organs.

4. The tetramorphic colony is found in ……… .

5. Polymorphism is found in …….. . (Physalia/Obelia/Porpita/Velella)

6. Pneumatophore is present in …………. .

7. Float is characterised by a sail in …………. .(Porpita/Velella)

8. The function of dactylozooid in a polymorphic colony is ………. .

9. Gonozooid with a mouth is found in ………..

10. The function of a tentaculocyst in Aurelia is …… .(photoreception/chemoreception/balancing)

11. The gastrovascular cavity is divided into compartments in ……… .


12. Subclass Octocorallia is characterised by the presence of ………… siphonoglyphs.

(one/two/more than two)

13. Based on the feeding habit of obelian medusa, it is called as …………. .

(herbivorous/carnivorous/detritous feeder/omnivorous)

14. Alternation of generation is seen in Obelia termed as ………


15. The sense organ in Aurelia is called as …………. .

16. Process of gastrulation in life history of Aurelia is by ………… .


17. The stinging capsule of coelenterates is filled with a poisonous fluid. This is called ……….. .

18. The conidoblasts which help in food collection are called as ………. .

19. The digestion within the coelenteron is described as ……….. .


20. ……….. zooid of a coelenterate carries on all functions except reproduction by sexual method.


21. In the scyphozoan coelenterate only stage found is ……… . (Polyp/medusa)

22. …. lives as a commensal form on molluscan shell occupied by hermit crab. (Hydractinia/Aurelia)

23. The planula larva of Aurelia changes into ……… in development cycle. (ephyra/scyphistoma)

24. The transverse fission of scyphistoma is called as ……… . (regeneration/strobilation)

25. The coelenteron cavity of a sea-anemone is divided into radial compartments by ……….. .

26. ………… is generally known as a sea fan. (Gorgonia/Pennatual)

27. Sea pen is zoological known as ………… . (Gorgonia/Pennuatula)

B. State True or False 

1. The body wall of the coelenterate consists of an outer epidermis a gastrodermis and a middle layer of mesogloea. (BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers)

2. The Obelia colony is polymorphic.

3. The polyp and medusa are homologous organs.

4. The enidoblast cells of Coelenterates cannot be used more than once

5. Hydrozoan medusa is different from scyphozoan medusa because the former has velum and the later has no gonads.

6. Polymorphism is an advanced features seen in the primitive metazoans because different individuals are adapted to different functions.

7. Fungia is a corallite.

8. A fringing reef is separated from the shore by a narrow lagoon.

9. Black corals are included in the order Antipatharia.

10. Sense organs in medusa or Obelia are called rhopalia.

11. Gonads in Aurelia are ectodermal in origin.

12. Velarium is present in the medusa of Obelia.

13. When ephyra are produced one at a time it is called polydisc strobilization.

14. Gastric ridges are present in the polyp of Obelia.

15. Mesogloea is poorly developed in the polyp.

16. Perisarc around the blastostyle is the gonotheca.

17. Polymorphism is exhibited by scyphozoans.

18. Gastaeral filaments are found in scyphozoans.

19. The blastostyle to Obelia has a gastrovascular cavity.

20. Medusa of Obelia has developed a hydranth.

C. Answer the following 

1. Name a coelenterate that inhabits freshwater bodies.

2. Name the animal without sexual medusae.

3. Which part of the enidoblast is stimulated with it attacks the prey.

4. Which is the important factor that causes stimulation of an endoblast.

5. What is the other name given to tentaculocysts.

6. Name the animal is which planula larva occurs.

7. Nematocysts of  coelenterates, develop from which type of cells.

8. What symmetry is found in majority of coelentetrates.

9. How many times can a nematocyst cell be used.

10. Name an example of a soft coral.

11. To which order sea anemones belong?  

12. Give an example of commensal Anthozoan.

13. Mention an example of a solitary coral.

14. A sea anemones was found growing on a gastropodan shell occupied by a hermit crab. What is called this type of animal association.

15. What are the three types of coral reefs.

16. Name three coral building coelenterates.

17. Name the various types of zooids found in Obelia.

18. Why Aurelia is known as Jelly fish?

19. What are the two types of zooids seen in Pennatula.

20. From which coral Red munga is obtained.

21.  Aurelia is also called jelly fish because it is made of a jelly like substance.

D. Multiple-Choice Questions 

1. Tentaculocytes are found in :

(a) Hydra

(b) Obelia

(c) Aurelia

(d) Sea anemone

2. Skeleton of Tubipora is made up of

(a) Calcareous spicules

(b) Spongin fibres

(c) Siliceous spicules

(d) None of above

3. The number of tentacles in young Obelia medusa is

(a) 8

(b) 16

(c) 32

(d) 64

4. Nematocysts discharge when one of the following is stimulated

(a) Cnidocil

(b) Nucleus

(c) Barb

(d) Thread

5. Animals belonging to phylum coelenterata are at

(a) Cellular level of organisation

(b) Organ level of organisation

(c) Organ system level of organisation

(d) Tissue level of organisation

6. Radial symmetry is found in

(a) Taenia

(b) Hydra

(c) Vaginulus

(d)  Physalia

7. Fringing reef is usually located

(a) Very near the sea shore

(b) Away from shore

(c) In deep sea

(d) In an island

8. True corals are coelenterates belonging to the order

(a) Hydroidea

(b) Madreporaria

(c) Pennatulacea

(d) Coenothecalia

9. Statocysts are

(a) Rudinmentary auditory organs

(b) Digestive organs

(c) Marginal sense organs

(d) None of the above

10. Free swimming larva of Aurelia is

(a) Parenchymula

(b) Planula

(c) Amphiblastula

(d) None of the above

11. Sea anemone is

(a) A hydrozoan

(b) An anthozoan

(c) A medusa

(d) A colony

12. Protuguese man-of-war is

(a) Obelia

(b) Physalia

(c) Aurelia

(d) Sea anemone

13. Metagenesis is present in

(a) Aurelia

(b) Obelia

(C) Gorgonia

(d) Porpita

14. The ectoderm is separated from endoderm by a gelatinous layer called

(a) Mesogloea

(b) Gelatin layer

(c) Gel layer

(d) Glutinant

15. Sea pen is popular name of

(a) Gorgonia

(b) Aurelia

(c) Pennatula

(d) Porpita

16. What is the main function of nematocysts in Hydra.

(a) Catching the prey

(b) Paralysing the prey

(c) For fun

(d) Ornamental

17. Jelly fish is

(a) A hydrozoan

(b) An anthozoan

(c) A scyphozoan

(d) A fish

18. Polyp helps in

(a) Reproduction

(b) Excretion

(c) Nutrition

(d) Respiration

19. Which of the following is the most acceptable statement regarding similarities of medusa of Obelia and Aurelia.

(a) Mesogloea is non-cellular in both

(b) In both a ciliated free swimming planula occur

(c) Tentaculocytes are present in both

(d) In both reproductive cells are derived from ectoderm.

20. Among the following terms which is applicable to the apertures present in the body wall of a sea anemone?

(a) Stigmata (b) Ostia

(c) Dermal pores

(d) Clinclides

21. Although a medusa is umbrella-like, it is derived from a cylindrical body known as

(a) Polyp

(b) Stomodaeum

(c) Vallerium

(d) Siphonoglyphs

22. Polymorphic animal is

(a) Physalia

(b) Hydra

(c) Tubipora

(d) Metridium

23. A coral island with a central shallow lake is known as

(a) Coral reef

(b) Lagoon

(c) Atoll

(d) Corallite

24. Gas glands occur in

(a) Gorgonia

(b) Physalia

(c) Pennatula

(d) Red coral

25. Chitinous covering or perisarc is present in

(a) Obelia

(b) Hydra

(c) Aurelia

(d) Physalia

26. Blastostyle of Obelia bears

(a) Tentacles

(b) Polyps

(c) Medusae

(d) Gonads

27. Polyps of Obelia are

(a) Reproductive zooids

(b) Nutritive zooids

(c) Zooids meant for dispersal

(d) All of these

28. Pneumatophore is present in

(a) Hydra

(b) Obelia

(c) Aurelia

(d) Physalia

29. Reproductive zooids of Physalia are

(a) Medusae

(b) Cormidia

(c) Gastrozooids

(d) Gonophores

30. A cormidium of Physalia consists of

(a) Tentacles

(b) Zooids

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Tentacles, zooids and pneumatophore

31. Obelia is a

(a) Diploblastic, radially symmetrical and acoelomate

(b) Diploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical and acoelomate

(c) Triploblastic, radially symmetrical and coelomate

(d) Triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical and coelomate

32. Jelly fishes belong to class

(a) Hydrozoa

(b) Scyphozoa

(c) Anthozoa

(d) None of these

33. Special character of coelenterates is

(a) Polymorphism

(b) Nematocysts  

(c) Flame cells

(d) Hermaphroditism

34. Hydra is a

(a) Monoblastic

(b) Diploblastic

(c) Triploblastic

(d) None of these

35. Common name of Fungia is

(a) Mushroom coral

(b) Red coral

(c) Brain coral

(d) Organ pipe coral


BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers

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BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Coelenterata Sample Model Practice Question Answer Papers


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