BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Porifera  Sample Model Question Answer Papers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Porifera  Sample Model Question Answer Papers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Porifera  Sample Model Question Answer Papers:  BSc is a three-year program in most universities. Some of the universities also offer BSc Honours. There are certain things you require the most to get better grades/marks in BSc. Out of those, there are BSc 1st Year Study Material, BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Porifera  Sample Model Question Answer Papers, BSc Notes, BSc Topic Wise, and Chapter Wise Pdf downloads along with BSc Previous Year Papers.

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BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Porifera  Sample Model Question Answer Papers
BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Porifera  Sample Model Question Answer Papers

A. Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Words

1. Asexual reproduction in sponges is by the formation of  …………….  .

2. The cell with collar and single flagellum that lines the flagellated chambers in sponges are ……….. .

3. In sponges gastral layer is formed of special cells called ……………. .

4. The simplest type of canal system in sponges is ………….

5. The spongocoel is lined by cells called …………. .

6. Secretion of spongoblasts in known as ………… .

7. In freshwater sponges, asexually reproducing bodies called ………… are produced which help to tide over unfavourable conditions.

8. Canal system found in Demospongia is ………….. .

9. In the leucon type of canal system when the flagellated chambers open directly by wide apopyles into the excurrent canal, it is called ……… .

10. Calcareous spicules are formed by ……….. .

11. The cells of porifera which form spicules are known as ……… . (scleroblasts/collenocytes)

12.  ………. in sponges form the basis of classification.

13. Spongin is secreted by ………. .

14. The cells secreting spicules …….. are found in …… .

15. The skeletal structures of sponges are in the form of ……… .

16. Siliceous spicules are secreted by……….. . (calicoblasts/silicoblasts)

17. In sponges a constant current of water passes through ostia into spongocoel and comes out through oscula. This is known as ……….. . (water vascular system/canal system)

18. In the leucon type of canal system when another narrow tube, called prosodus is present between the incurrent canal and the flagellated chamber, it is called …….. . (rhagon/diplodal/apodal/eurypylous)

19. The non-cellular cementing material between two layers of the body wall is called ……… . (mesogloea/mesenchyme)

20. In sponge body, the mesenchyme consists of …….. .  (amoebocytes/choanocytes)

21. The middle layer of the body wall of Porifera is ………… . (mesoderm/mesenchyme)

22. …….. takes part in reproduction of sponges. (archaeocytes/pinacocytes)

23. The sponges are included in subkingdom………….. . (Parazoa/Metazoa)

24. Sponges resemble with the members of protozoa in the presence of……… . (choanocytes/pinacocytes)

 25. The soft body of sponges is supported by………. . (setae/spicules)

26. The cells of the epidermis of a sponge are called …….. . (pinacocytes/choanocytes)

27. The parenchymula larva of sponges corresponds to ………. larva of the coelenterates.


28. Endogenous buds produced is some marine and in all freshwater sponges during unfavourable conditions of living are known as …….. . (gemmules/amphiblastula)

29. The spicules of a sponge body are secreted by ………… . (scleroblasts/archaeocytes)

30. In Sycon, the ostia lead not directly into the spongocoel but into ……… . (incurrent canals/radial canals)

31. Rhagon type of canal system is similar to ……… . (leucon type/ascon type)

B. State True or False 

1. Sponges are triploblastic.

2. All sponges are marine.

3. Spongin fibres are present in Hexactinelida.

4. Spongocoel is lined with choanocytes in Sycon.

5. Mesenchyme cells give rise to spicules.

6. Choanocytes are reproductive in function.

7. Amoebocytes collect food from the cells lining the pores.

8. Prosopyle is an opening between inhalent and exhalent siphons.

9. Gemmules are supported with triaxon spicules.

10. Inversion of germ layers is seen amphiblastula.

11. Digestion in sponges in extracellular.

12. Gemmules in marine sponges help in dispersal of species.

13. In Ascon, porocyte forms the ostium.

14. The sponge body is mainly composed of pores and canals, and the physiological function are carried on mainly by the canal system.

15. Thesocytes are present in the mescenchyma and store reserve food material.

C. Answers the following

1. Name the animal in which leuconoid type of canla system is found.

2. Give one example of the class Hexactinellida.

3. Give the scientific name for Venus flower basket.

4. Name the sponge of commercial importance.

5. Give the name of the cells type in sponge which is very important physiologically for metabolism.

6. What are the special types of asexual buds of sponges calle.

7. Name the cells that are filled with reserve food in sponges.

8. What is the important function of amoebocytes of sponges.

9. Name of freshwater sponge.

10. What is the common name of the members of phylum Porifera.

11. What is the name given to the excurrent pore of sponges.

12. To which class does sycon belong.

13. Give an example for class Demospongia.

14. What is the main basis of classification of sponges.

15. Name the two types of larval forms of sponges.

16. What are the functions of choanocytes in Porifera.

17. How do the freshwater sponges escape desiccation in summer?

18. Name five different types of cells that occur in the body of sponges.

19. What function do the gemmule serve in the life of a sponge.

20. Rearrange the given list in the order of sequence indicating the course of water in and out the sponge. (a) prosopyle, (b) osculum, (c) incurrent canal, (d) spongocoel, (e) dermal pore, (f) internal ostia, (g) radial canal.

21. Which sponge is commonly described as the glass-rope sponge.

22. What is the scientific name of commercial both sponge.

23. Which sponge is called dead man’s fingers.

24. Give an example of a sponge having diplodal type of canal system.

D. Multiple Choice Questions

1. The digestion of food in sponges is

(a) Extracellular

(b) Intracellular

(c) Partly extracellular and partly intracellular

(d) None of the above

2. Spicules are secreted by

(a) Porocytes

(b) Pinacocytes

(c) Choanocyte

(d) Scleroblasts

3. The common both sponge belongs to the genus

(a) Sycon

(b) Euspongia

(c) Euplectella

(d) Spongilla

4. Most of the sponges are found in

(a) Freshwater

(b) Brackish water

(c) Warmer sea water

(d) Turbid water

5. Sponges are sedentary in nature. What helps in their dispersal

(a) Locomotion of the adult animal

(b) Their eggs

(c) Their free floating larva

(d) Gemmules

6. The term Parazoa was coined by

(a) Haeckal

(b) Linnaeus

(c) Butschili

(d) Hamilton

7. Incurrent canal communicates with the radial canal through

(a) Apopyle

(b) Dermal ostia

(c) Prosopyle

(d) None of the above

8. In Sycon, the choanocytes line the

(a) Spongocoel or paragastric cavity

(b) Incurrent canal

(c) Radial canal

(d) Excurrent canal

9. Mesogloea is secreted by

(a) Coenosarc

(b) Endosarc

(c) Ectoderm and endoderm

(d) Gastrovascular cavity

10. One of the following cells gives rise to reproductive bodies in Sycon

(a) Pinacocyte

(b) Myocyte

(c) Choanocyte

(d) Archaeocyte

11. In sponges, ingestion of food particles takes place by

(a) Pinacocyte

(b) Thesocyte

(c) Choanocyte

(d) Collenocytes

12. Amoebocytes which secrete spicules are

(a) Chromocytes

(b) Scleroblasts

(c) Thesocytes

(d) Spongioblast

13. Which of the following belongs to the class hexactinellida

(a) Euplectella

(b) Chalina

(c) Sycon

(d) Clathrina

14. In sponges, the ectoderm consists of

(a) Choanocytes

(b) Pinacocytes

(c) Amoebocytes

(d) Archaeocytes

15. Deadman’s finger is the popular name of

(a) Euplectella

(b) Spongilla

(c) Chalina

(d) None of the above

16. The ability of replace lost parts is

(a) Budding

(b) Regeneration

(c) Autotomy

(d) Reproduction

17. Freshwater sponge is

(a) Chalina

(b) Euplectella

(c) Clathrina  

(d) Spongilla

18. In the sponge gemmule cells present are

(a) Pinacocytes

(b) Porocytes

(c) Archaeocytes  

(d) Collenocytes

19. Class rope sponge is popular name of

(a) Sycon  

(b) Leucosolenia

(c) Hyalonema

(d) Euspongia

20. Free swimming larva of sycon is

(a) Planula

(b) Amphiblastula

(c) Ephyra

(d) Redia

BSc 1st Year Lower Non chordates Phylum Porifera  Sample Model Question Answer Papers

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