BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers: BSc is a three-year program in most universities. Some of the universities also offer BSc Honours. After getting enrolled for BSc, there are certain things you require the most to get better grades/marks in BSc. Out of those, there are BSc Study Material, BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers Sample Model Practice Mock Question Answer Papers along with BSc Previous Year Papers.

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BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers
BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers

A. Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Words:

1. The excretory cells in the Platyhelminthes are known as ……

2. The secondary host in the life history of Taenia is………

3. Fasciola hepatica causes………. disease in sheep.

4. Plamaria lives in ……….

5. The infective stage of Taenia in man is …….. .

6. ……. is a viviparous animal. (Schistosoma/Filaria/Trichinella)

7. One of the characteristic feature of the cuticle of Fasciola hepatica which is not found in either Planaria or Taenia is ……..

8. The encysted stage is the development of Fasciola is called ……..

9. The first larval stage in Fasciola develops into a sac-like structure with structures cuticle is called ………

10. The body is not divided into proglottids in the subclass…….. .

11. The proglottid of Taenia solium which contains nothing but fertilized eggs in called ……. .

12. The turbellarian larva is the …….. larva.

13. When a planarian is cut into two pieces, each piece develops into a Separate adult. This process is known as ……….. .

14. In Platyhelminthes, vetellarium is generally found is association with……. .

15. The intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica is ………

16 In Fasciola, the germ cells of the redia give rise to daughter ……… in summer months and ……… in autumn.

17. Eucestodes are also known as ……… .

18. In Fasciola miracidium develops into the second stage inside…….. .

19. The disease in man caused by infection of the second stage larva of Taenia is known as…… .

20. The members of phylum Platyhelminthes are …….. .(diploblastic/triploblastic)

21. When an intermediate host is not found, epps and larvae of tepeworm……… .

22. The first tube bilateral animals belong to the phylum…………. .

23. In Taenia solium, the proximal portion of the oviduct that ends into the vagina is called ……. .

24. In helminthes, flame cells are unit of ………. system.(reproductive/excretory)

25. Enterobius vermicularis the common parasitic of man is found in…….. .

26. Dracunculus medinensis (Guiena worm of man) is a parasitic worm which invades…….. .

27. Pseudocoelom is body cavity found in ………. .

28. Rhabditiform larvae of Ancylostoma doudenale grows by feeding as parasite of ……… .

29. The vector of elephantiasis is ………. .

30. There is only single host is the life history of ………. .

B. True and False Statement 

1. Prodigality of reproductionin platyhelminthes is an adaptation towards parasitism. (BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers)

2. Cysticercosis is caused by tapeworm larva.

3. Cysticercus cellulosae is the larve of Taenia solium.

4. Suckers are present in Taenia solium for sucking the food very effectively.

5. Redia is the larva of schistosomes.

6. Schistosomes are blood flukes.

7. All the trematodes have redia and cercaria stages intheir life history.

8. Sexual dimorphism is found in tapeworms.

9. Planula is the larva ofPlatyhelminthes.

10. Schistosoma causes sleeping sickness.

11. Metacercaria larva is absent in schistosomes.

12. Parasitism causes degeneration of reproductive system.

13. Eradication of mosquitoes will eradicate spreading of prasitic diseases like elephantiasis.

14. Gravid proglottid of tapeworm is devoid of reproductive organ.

15. Intestinal parasites are affected by changes in the environment of their host.

16. The hexacanth embryo causes cysticercosis as there is autoinfection.

17. The caudal end of all male roundworms is curved.

18. Trichinella causes degeneration of muscles in man.

19. Cyclops serve as an intermediate host for the human guinca worm.

20. Scolex of tapeworm has a rostllum with hooks and suckers.

21 Helminthes have vertebrate intermediate host and invertebrate definite host.

C. Answer the following 

1. Mention a parasitic helminth inman, where, both the male and female live in close association.

2. Name the trematod in which female lives in the body of male. 

3. Write the following stage sin the life history of liverfluke in proper sequence : sporocyst, redia, miracidium, cercaril, metacercaria.

4. How many segments occur in Echinococcus granulosus.

5. Name a helminth which shows alternation of generations with alternation of hosts.

6. Name a parasite in which metacercaria stage is absent.

7. What is the function of flame cell.

8. Give an example of a polyclad flatworm.

9. Whichsubclass among cestodes does not posses a scolex?

10. Name the intermediate host of Echinococcus granulosus.

11. What are the accessory structure that are present in penial sacs of Ascaris.

12. Name the fluke which has Planorbis or Bulinas as the intermediate host.

13. What is the shape of sperm of Ascaris.

14. What is the name ofthe organ of attachment in tapeworm.

15. In Fasciola hepatica, write the name of the canal that leads from the junctionof the oviduct and combined vitelline duct and opens to the exterior onthe mid dorsal surface. (BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers)

16. How many suckers are there on the scolx of tapeworin.

17. What’s the characteristic of ‘cestodarian embryos.

18. Name three important namatode parasites inman.

19. Name a very short tapework of the blood in man.

20. Write the name of connective tissue tht fills the pseudocoel in nematods.

21. Name ithe connective tissue that files space between the organs inplatyhelminthes.

22. What is the name of journey undertaken by the larvae of Ascaris to complete its life cycle.

23. Where can you locate a flame cell.

24. Name a helminth parasite which is unisexual.

25. In Taenia solium, write the name of the stage which pieces the mucous membrane of the intestine and enters the bloodstream.

26. What are structure that produce mucous in Planaria.

27. Which is the shortest tapeworm.

28. Name new world worm that causes necatorasis in man.

29. Name the intermediate host of Buchereria huneral.

30. Name a helminth without anus.

31. Name a free living member ofphylum Platyhelminthes.

32. Name a Platyhelminth parasite which is not segmented.

33. Name the larva formed after the 2nd moulting in hookworm.

34. Name the characteristic larva of the polyclad turbellarian.

35. Animals of which phylum possess syncytiala hypodermis?

D. Multiple Choice Questions 

1. Bladderworm is the stage in the development of

(a) Planaria

(b) Fasciola

(c) Enterobius

(d) Taenia

2. The body wall of Ascaris is formed of

(a) Thick cuticle

(b) Epidermis

(c) Muscular layer

(d) All the above

3. Secretion of mehlis gland helps in

(a) Digestion

(b) Exchange of gases during respration

(c) Movement of eggs into the uterus

(d) None of the above

4. The intermediate host of guinea worm is

(a) House fly

(b) Cyclops

(c) Mosquito

(d) None of the above

5. Fasciola hepatica lives in the

(a) Intestine of sheep

(b) Liver and bile duct of sheep

(c) Spleen of sheep

(d) Pancreas of sheep

6. The infective stage of Taenia in manis

(a) Hexacanth

(b) Onchosphere 

(c) Bladderworm

(d) None of the above

7. The secretion of vitelline glands

(a) Facilitates the movement of sperms during couplation

(b) Forms the shell around the eggs

(c) Is deposited around the fertilised eggs

(d) None of the above

8. The tapeworms are found in the

(a) Voluntary muscles of man

(b) Voluntary muscles of pig

(c) Liver of pork

(d) Body of snail

9. Miracidium is one of the embryonic stages in the development of

(a) Fasciola hepatica

(b) Taenia solium

(c) Ascaris lumbricoides

(d) Ancylostoma duodenale

10. Redia is the larval stage of

(a) Ascaris

(b) Fasciola

(c) Taenia

(d) Ancylostoma

11. The bladderworm stage of Taenia in known as

(a) Onchosphere

(b) Strobila

(c) Rostellum

(d) Cysticercus

12. Cercaria is the free swimming larva of

(a) Taenia

(b) Dugesia

(c) Fasciola

(d) Ascaris

13. Rhabdited are found in the body wall of

(a) Ascaris

(b) Taenia

(c) Planaria

(d) Fasciola

14. A proglottid is called gravid when

(a) Only female reproductive organs are fully developed

(b) Only male reproductive organs are fully developed

(c) Both male and female reproductive organs are fully developed

(d) Only uterus with fertilised eggs is present

15. How can you avoid infection of Taenia

(a) Avoid under-cooked pork

(b) Avoid under-cooked mutton

(c) Avoid under-cooked vegetable

(d) Avoid under-cooked fish

16. Blood fluke is popular name of

(a) Fasciola

(b) Taenia

(c) Schistosoma

(d) Echinococcus

17. The flatworms are

(a) True coelomates

(b) Acoelomates

(c) Pseudocoelomates

(d) Entrocoelomates

18. Flame cells help in

(a) Excretion

(b) Digestion

(c) Respiration

(d) Reproduction

19. The blood fluke is known as

(a) Taenia

(b) Schistosoma

(c) Fasciola

(d) Planaria

20. The first larval moulting of Ascaris takes place in the

(a) Intestine

(b) Heart

(c) Liver

(d) Egg

21. Ciliated epidermis is found in

(a) Dugesia

(b) Chistosoma

(c) Taenia

(d) Fasciola

22. The gonads in male Ascaris consist of

(a) One testis

(b) Two testis

(c) Three testis

(d) Four testis

23. In Ascaris, the space between the body wall and the gut is

(a) True coelom

(b) Enterocoel

(c) Schizocoel

(d) Pseudocoel

24. Which important system is absent in Taenia

(a) Digestive

(b) Nervous

(c) Excretory

(d) Reproductive

25. Wuchereria bancrofti belongs to the order

(a) Filaroida

(b) Strongyloidea

(c) Trichiuroidea

(d) Oxyuroidea

26. Tapeworm has no digestive system because

(a) It is a parasite

(b) It absorbs its food by general body surface

(c) It does not need food

(d) It lives in intestine

27. Filaria germ is a kind of

(a) Mosquito

(b) Protozoa

(c) Bacteria

(d) Helminthes

28. Thread-like animals living in the tissue fluid and causing ocnsiderable damage to plants are

(a) Flagellates

(b) Nematodes

(c) Worms

(d) Helminthes

29. Ancylostoma, Enterobius and Ascaris are members of phylum

(a) Platyhelminthes

(b) Aschelminthes

(c) Arthropoda

(d) Archiannelida

30. Unsegmented worm-like animals with pseudocoel belong to phylum

(a) Annelida

(b) Aschelminthes

(c) Archiannelida

(d) Platyhelminthes

31. Which is the most important character of Platyhelminthes?

(a) Monoecious

(b) Vitelline glands

(c) Flat animals

(d) Falme cells

32. Flat worms are

(a) Diploblastic

(b) Triploblastic

(c) Monoblastic

(d) None of these

33. Coelom in flatworms is

(a) Well developed

(b) Poorly developed

(c) Schizocoel

(d) Absent

34. Which is a free living freshwater flat worm?

(a) Planaria

(b) Schistosoma

(c) Fasciola

(d) Taenia

35. Vital system absent in Tapeworm is

(a) Nervous system

(b) Digestive system

(c) Excretory system

(d) Reproductive system

36. Segments of Tapeworm are called

(a) Scolex

(b) Cysticercus

(c) Proglottides

(d) Onchospheres

37. The tissue in Platyhelminthes between viscera and bodywall is called

(a) Coelom

(b) Parenchyma

(c) Mesoderm

(d) Choanoderm

38. Tapeworm respires

(a) Through suckers

(b) Through mouth

(c) Through lateral pores or sterigmata

(d) Anaerobically

39. Scolex occurs in

(a) Hydra

(b) Ascaris

(c) Taenia

(d) Liver Fluke

40. In complete alimentary canals occurs in

(a) Fasciola

(b) Ascaris

(c) Wuchereria

(d) Rhabditis

BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers

BSc 1st Year Lower Non-chordates Platyhelminthes and Nemathelminthes Question Answers


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